SakuTra is an innovative platform capable of streamlining digital payment at vending machines and other unattended equipment by improving the user experience, increasing sales and offering the vending operator unprecedented management flexibility. Through a multi-provider system, the vending operator can activate, for each installed machine, the preferred payment methods, from classic bank card based systems to account-to-account solutions or any other type of digital payment network such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, Satispay … Any control on sales or changes to payment methods can be carried out remotely, without any hardware intervention.
SakurTra® bridge for digital payments

SakurTra® bridge for digital payments
Android 6 or higher, iOS 11 or higher
• No external devices (hardware installed inside the machine) – No risk of vandalism.
• No physical contact with the terminal – increased safety – hygienic, no physical wear.
• A single module includes transaction processing and on-line communication of the machine (telemetry) – low hardware cost and easy installation.
• High security – no direct communication between smartphone and the vending machine.
• Reduced transaction cycle – max. 5-6 seconds.
• No terminal registration required – the operator has the freedom to move the modules from machine to machine / from place to place without any restrictions.
• Various payment methods and providers – bank cards or any digital payment system.
• Selection of payment methods based on location and products – the operator can define which methods and combination of providers to offer on each individual location or machine.
• Simplicity of contracts – a single direct commercial contract between the operator and the payment service provider.
• Possibility of product selection via the same app – on machines with MDB 4.3 implemented.
• No PSD2 requirements * – no PIN entry required.
• Dedicated SakurTra dashboard – including basic remote control.
• Possibility of connection with the complete telemetry in the cloud platform – cloud8816.